Rent Your Hall

Rental Guidelines
- No alcohol and no smoking is allowed on the property.
- Clean up any spills on carpet immediately.
- Serve red punch with caution. Stains from such will require professional cleaning--- At your expense.
- No tape on walls.
- Leave the hall in the condition in which it was found. A cleaning checklist can be found on bulletin board.
- When leaving, turn off all lights, take trash, turn thermostat to 60, and lock all doors.
- Do not drag tables or chairs on the carpet during set up/take down.
Sara Gildersleeve
Bradey Neitzke
A check for the rental is required with the attached signed agreement. EXCEPT for funeral dinners and civic group meetings, such as 4-H, which has no charge.
$100 per day for wedding receptions.
$100 per day for nonresidents of the township
$50 per day for residents of the township
A deposit of $50 is required with the attached agreement. This must be returned 1 week prior to the rental date.
The hall will be inspected after use and deposit returned if rules have been followed. If more than $50 is required to make necessary repairs, a bill will be issued to the responsible party.